Follow These Tips To Help Your Child Succeed

Improve Your Child's English With These Tips

Everyone needs to know English if they want to make it through life. Children are, of course, taught the building blocks of the language from an early age, but some students take to it better than others. If you are concerned that English is not your child's strong suit, you might want to step in and get them caught up with their peers. Here are some tips to help your child improve his or her use of the English language.

Start Labeling Things in Your Home

If your child is having issues with spelling or written English, it can help to create an atmosphere of immersion. Buy some sticky notes and start labeling things throughout the house that your child uses every day. Your child will eventually internalize the spelling of each word. You could also label some items that your child might not use regularly just to catch their eye and try to teach them a new word or two.

Start Reading With Your Child

If your child is young enough to want a bedtime story, consider reading a book aimed at pre-teens or whatever group is one step above your what child's age group might be. Your child will start to pick up more complex words and naturally grow their vocabulary. If your child doesn't want bedtime stories anymore, you can still have family reading. Set aside an hour where everyone has to put their smartphone away and turn the television off and actually read something. It can be a peaceful way for the entire family to enjoy the evening.

Turn on the Television or Radio

If your child's problem with English is not the written word but proper pronunciation or diction, you should take steps to engage your child more often with verbal English. You could speak to them directly, but it could also help to turn on the television or radio as often as possible in order to immerse your child in the language.

Contact an English Tutor

If your kid is still struggling with English despite your best efforts, it might be a good idea to contact professional help. An instructor who offers kids' English tutoring can help your child get caught back up with his or her classmates. 

Going through life in the United States without a firm grasp of English is no way to live. Get your child back up to speed by hiring an English tutoring instructor or service today
